



The entertainment industry plays a major role in corporate culture as a direct and people-centered medium of connecting with target clients. Dance, as a component of entertainment, takes an even larger portion of this part as it goes further to provide fitness, therapy, and adventure as well.

The story of Empire Dance Kenya starts with young men from different backgrounds and locations but with a common talent, desire, and dream; to dance! It is the pursuit of the realization of this dream which saw the young men come together driven by that very goal; to dance! In pursuing this dream, it became clear that there was a gap that needed to be filled; the disparity in the value attached to dancers compared to their output. There was a need to place and attach value to services offered by dancers as they play their critical role in the entertainment industry and the corporate world. Additionally, the young men saw an opportunity to use dance as a medium to cater to the growing consciousness over fitness, both for health and therapeutic reasons, as well as a tool for providing unique corporate marketing and brand awareness solutions and leisure.


Inspiring a love, respect, and passion for the art of dance & fitness in everyone we interact with.


The obvious choice for all matters dance.


Everyone can dance, be influenced by dance, and be affected by dance.

We adhere to the following:

Our focus is on ensuring that everyone is touched by dance in whichever aspect and that

such interaction is of advantage be it in the area of personal therapy and fitness or corporate


Dance is a language which responds to different needs accordingly. It is neither static nor formal.  It is this truism that drives us to invest in creativity and dynamism. We create a special sauce; fun, confidence, and fulfillment which is unique to the need.

To dance one has to employ the body; to formulate a corporate solution through dance one has to have access to and appreciate the client. These call for trust which can only be earned through honesty. Trust is not just a cliché word for us, our treasure is in the quality relationships we develop.

It is the hard tasks that achieve the best results. We recognize that dance is a world of endless possibilities and our ambition is to bring satisfactory solutions to our client. We are not afraid to dream and bring to life what is seemingly unimaginable.

The extent to which our client gets value is determined by our professionalism through integrity, timeliness, and focus. These are core and at the center of our operations. It is our undertaking to deliver our services while adhering to professionalism at all times.